Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:

I am a happy husband, and father of three children who relied on me for years as the sole income earner to support my family. This is a big responsibility and every penny counts, especially living here in the GTA.
A Few Years Ago
I experienced the disaster of disasters with CRA, and was thoroughly rescued by ENT.
I received a request from a CRA office in Thunder Bay for me to fax some documentation over pertaining to a recently completed set of tax returns I had filed.
I had filed my tax returns for the previous three years with basic bookkeeping firm who had not only lost the information I had provided, but had failed to submit the correct documentation alongside my returns in accordance with CRA regulations. I selected this bookkeeping company because of the low price they advertised for generation of my tax returns.
What happened?
There were a number of discrepancies in my tax returns that had not been addressed correctly and CRA was looking for answers. I received written notification and a telephone call asking that I send copies of some personal documentation and receipts relative to the returns.
I took the receipts, place them on my digital fax/scan machine at the office and sent the information they requested.
In fact, I had to attempt resending this documents five or six times unsuccessfully.
Every single time I got a call from CRA to send this document, I sent it over and over again. It later turned out that the office who were requesting the information had a thermal fax machine that did not receive data correctly from the digital scan systems that were available at the time.
It wasn’t my fault! …. It’s not right! How was I supposed to know they had a thermal fax machine in Thunder Bay!
The bottom line is, when we approach business and taxes with our emotional opinions rather than an intelligent understanding of the landscape occupied by CRA, we lose… Every time!
The result was I had my returns for the previous three years completely denied that included these charitable donation receipts and I received a bill and garnishment order from CRA for over tens of thousands of dollars .
My Introduction to ENT
I was acquainted directly with the partners of ENT, Rai Nandan, who agreed to see me and assist with my problem.
Like everyone else who gets this kind of mail from CRA, I was losing sleep, panicking and feeling hopeless. Regardless of the reasons or excuses that were in play for the charitable donations receipt, the failure to receive this paperwork from CRA resulted in a process being activated that was irreversible once in play.
The Rescue
The first thing the staff that ENT did for me was to calm me down, and give me the facts regarding my situation. The assured me that everything would be fine and they would sort things out on my behalf with CRA.
In fact, the ENT principle, Rai Nandan sat on the advisory Council for CRA which is comprised of accounting professionals from across the country who sit to assist the Government in its oversight and development of accounting and tax law in Canada!
They were familiar with the proper manner in which to interact with CRA, completely familiar with the rules and regulations in place that protected me and ensured a smooth transition of paperwork and information.
The bookkeeper I had used was completely unfamiliar with all of these processes, and took no responsibility for the problem I found myself in.
The decision to try and save some money had backfired. When I tried to address the mistakes with the bookkeeping firm, the answer I got was a copy of the form I had signed upon generation of my returns that indicated I was entirely responsible for everything they had done!
They had taken fees from me in the thousands, which I paid willingly to somebody who would insure things were done correctly, and subsequently pushed all responsibility for the paperwork they generated on to me.
Again… It’s not fair!… How dare they!…
There was nothing I could do, and the fault was mine for even failing to read the document I was signing that absolve them of all responsibility for the manner in which my returns were filed. When I asked them to return my receipts I was told that it was my responsibility to request them, and if I had not done so within 30 days they had no obligation to keep or store them.
The Solution
It took roughly 10 business days for ENT to correct the issues, and organize my information to the satisfaction of CRA.
The best part was the re-analysis of my returns and the extra money they were able to secure on my behalf.
The ENT team not only knew exactly what needed to be done, but they were well familiar with this type of scenario as I was not the first disgruntled individual to show up on their doorstep.
The most important part of the purchase of the services from ENT was that the investment they made in always certifying themselves, training and contributing on advisory councils to CRA and building a business model that was based on integrity and standards. They knew exactly what to do!
This enabled them to quickly and effectively negotiate on my behalf with CRA and return my standing to appropriate levels legally and properly.
The Moral of the Story
As I mentioned earlier, I was already acquainted with the owners of the firm.
I went to a bookkeeper for a low price, because I was being cheap. I got what I paid for!
Denial and unprofessionalism.
• My decision to try for a low price was the same mistake everyone makes every day when trying to get something for nothing.
• I urge the reader to forego this urge, and understand both on a personal, professional and corporate level that your taxes and relationship with CRA are not to be treated irresponsibly!
ENT is not only trustworthy, they are respected within the professional community in which they dwell, and have donated thousands of hours on advisory councils, training and developing a business model that protects its clients, and the integrity of our tax system here in Canada.
The ENT staff is able to utilize this experience to help clients in all aspects of their business models including planning, development financing and growth.
If anyone reads this testimonial and wants to speak to me directly, contact the principles that ENT and I would love to tell you more about my story. They have the authority to forward my telephone number and email address to you.

Posted By: Cameron Fry
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